84: it’s all right

“It’s all right, have a good time
‘Cause it’s all right, whoa it’s all right.”

I’m tired, but it’s a good tired. I cried some at the end of the movie “Soul.” (we were watching it today). The end where 22 becomes a monster on the outside to hide the frightened, ashamed self on the inside—oh that just. . . it made me start crying.

Reading The Five Personality Patterns it’s never been clearer that that’s what we’re all doing—doing our best to defend ourselves from the hurt inside by putting on all these personas on the outside.

“it’s all right, have a good time”—that line made me start crying in earnest. It touched that part of me that is always trying, always doing, always .  . . trying to make the best choice. Because I am terrified of making the wrong one. 

My wonderful integration practitioner helped me realize something: I do not have to push the terrified part of me away. I can make space for it, and be the benevolent leader, who tells the terror, welcome, you can stay here. You are not allowed to run things, but you have a place here.

As soon as she said that I felt the utter relief of letting go of the exhaustion that comes from trying to constantly keep something away from myself, the relief of letting go of that part of me that is always trying to push that terror away.

It’s all right, have a good time
‘cause it’s all right, whoa it’s all right.



quiet contentment.

hope. seeing the track of my life coated with the rainbow sparkles of joy and solutions and kindness and well-being and abundance.

the crescent of the moon.

my heart, my child grooving to it’s all right.

re-discovering my partner as I re-discover all these parts of myself

the joy and the pleasure and the sparkle of intimacy

buoyancy and a hope that is an active ingredient and energy

my gifts and embracing them, one tiny acceptance at a time

going back to writing things I am appreciating in the moment—

and finding an utter abundance of moments, and things, and experiences that fill me up.

thank you, dearest Life. thank you, Universe. and maybe, thank you Self.

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